Shoulder Pain Treatment | Blog | Physiotherapy Bournemouth
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Pain in Shoulder? Physiotherapy can help.

Having a physio treatment on an injured shoulder will help you to provide more circulation to injured muscle/joint hereby improve healing.

You will experience an immediate increase in range of motion with increased joint strength. So if you play racket sports, have to work on a building site or have to sit in office working long hours on computer we will help you to attain your desired goals and enable you to achieve them quickly.


We have seen many, many patients avoid operations for joint replacements after getting correct physio treatment.

Injections and pain killers always treat the symptoms but do not treat the underlying cause thereby deteriorating the injury.

Pain in shoulder joint can occur due to:


1. Rotator Cuff Injury:  A rotator cuff strain is a common cause of shoulder pain. Symptoms include a sudden pain in the shoulder, which can range from mild to severe. Pain may get worse over time with overhead movements likely to be painful.

2. Bruised Collar Bone: A bruised collar bone results from a direct impact to the collar bone at the front of the chest. Symptoms may include pain, bruising and swelling. The bone will be tender to touch. Lifting the arm up is likely to cause pain or discomfort.

3. Strained acromio clavicular joint: Symptoms of an AC joint sprain include sudden onset shoulder pain at a bony point on top of the shoulder. There is often swelling a deformity or obvious lump on top of the shoulder may be seen. Pain is worse on overhead movements.

4. Deltoid Muscle Strain/Contusion: A Deltoid strain is a tear to the Deltoid muscle on the top of the shoulder. Pain can be felt on the front, side or back of the shoulder. It is less common than a Rotator cuff injury.

5. Frozen Shoulder: There are three phases to a frozen shoulder; a freezing phase where the joint tightens up, a stiff phase where the pain is less but also range of movement is very limited and a thawing phase where normal function is regained.

6. Labrum Tear: Symptoms include non-specific shoulder pain which is made worse by overhead activities or when the arm is held behind the back. The patient may experience weakness and instability with tenderness over the front of the shoulder.

7. Sub Acromial Bursitis: Subacromial bursitis has similar symptoms to Supraspinatus tendinitis with shoulder pain and weakness over a 60 degree arc when the arm is lifted sideways.

8. Referred Pain from Neck: Pain in the shoulder can be referred or caused by a problem in another area of the body such as the neck or spine. Symptoms may vary and pain can radiate into the neck, shoulders, arm and fingers with numbness and tingling possible.

9. Winged Scapula: A winged scapula is a symptom of another condition, rather than an injury itself. It is where the shoulder blade protrudes out on the back

We at body in motion will give an accurate diagnosis of the injury and rehabilitate till the shoulder is pain free and strong again.

The most common symptoms you will have:

1.  Pain in flexion and extension

2. In ability to lift anything above shoulder

3. Pain increases at night or with cold

4. Weakness in shoulder

 It's not always simple. Do visit us for thorough diagnosis.

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